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Islamic Women and wearing the veil

There is always much controversy on Islam women covering their hair by wearing the scarf or hijab.


Let me be quite clear on this. No where in the Holy Quran does it sate that a woman must cover her hair.  What the Holy Quran does state is that a woman should cover her ornaments and treasures referring to her bosom and private parts. 


Surah 24: An-Nur . 31


And say to beleiving women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (ordinarliy) appear of it; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands'  their fathers' their hubsands fathers' their sons' their husbands' sons, their brothers' or their brothers' sons or their sistiers' sons, or their women or their slaves whom their right hand possess. or male servants free of physical needs' or of small children who have no sense of shame of sex.


The above Surah in simple terms means  do not show your body to anyone outside your family circle.


In Hz Muhammeds' (PBUH) time, women did go outside with a loose scarf or covering over their hair. It was not law that they should cover their hair.


Hz Muhammed suggested to his wives and daughters to cover their hair to protect themselves from predators when they went outside the home alone.  As women already did wear big veils in those times the above Surah is referring to the veil to also to cover their bosom.  The Surah does not specifically state cover your hair.  Although Hz Muhammed's (PBUH) wives and daughters covered their hair at that time, other women did not.  Muslim women started to cover their hair approximately 100 years after the death of Hz Muhammed (PBUH) some of them choose to follow the guidance of Hz Muhammed (PBUH) and his daughter Fatimah.


*Some Muslim scholars discussed the above Surah and agreed that the mention of treasures and ornaments, also meant covering ones hair although the word hair or its arabic equivalent is not mentioned.


Of all of the Hadiths that I have read to date, I have yet to find a Hadith that says it is obligatory for a women to cover ones hair.


Maybe society should try and ge the balance right,  I am muslim.

I choose not to cover my hair. I am far from old fashioned.


I am a grandmother and have concerns about the amount of pop stars and famous people

that are showing examples to the younger generation that it is cool to be half naked. 

Ok for them, they can afford 24 hour body guards if they want.


So maybe it would be better for our young women to observe the above Surah,

than to go out on the street half naked and showing their all?


Jennifer Ullmen Freelance Writer Author

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